August 2008, #0808 |
July Salsa Social
Beyond Dreamz Salsa Gala A Very Special Thank You!
We would like to thank each and every one of you who came out to support our Salsa dance social at Alberto's on Friday, July 11th. It is through your continued and strong encouragement that inspires us to provide ever increasing levels of entertainment for your enjoyment!
The success of our event could not have been possible without the very special contributions of these individuals and groups:
Patty & Jamyl (Alberto's) DJ Fab Fred (Event Emcee) DJ Super Chino (Event DJ) Induz (Marketing Partner) Runique (Performer) Johanna Belly Dancing (Performer) PB&G (Presenting Sponsor and Performer) Andale (Partner Sponsor) VK Travels (Partner Sponsor) Jimmy Bui, Salsagang (Community Sponsor) Manoj Patel (Photographer at large)
We'd especially like to thank our volunteer staff for providing their time and expertise with technical support, decorating, and community outreach efforts - you helped to create an exciting and memorable event!
Juliette Donohue, Tatiana Lim, Jon Entwistle, William Erik Avitia, Corey Raynor, Alejandro Salazar, Haideh Sharifi, Darci Everitt, Erica Taylor, Amita Patel, Gilbert Periera, Edmund Shen, Elena Shao, Cindy Gin, Charlene Roger; members of Google, Yahoo Groups : MSDC and Delicious; Isidro & Sheila with Jesse Alvarado AKA JazzyJez and team!
If we've missed anyone, please accept our humble apology. We value your support and want to recognize your efforts.
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Intel Engineer From India Strikes Work-Life Balance, And In The Process Creates A New Genre: Hindi/Salsa
Read Mercury News Feature Story on Giju Here! by Mike Cassidy, Mercury News Columnist
Watch Mercury News Video of Social Here!(video courtesy of Kristina Sangsahachart, Mercury News News all rights reserved.)Click on the Montage tab (above right) to view Gala pics (photos courtesy of Manoj Patel, photographer at large)
Feature Spotlight
INDUZ Beyond Dreamz Welcomes New Partner
Beyond Dreamz Entertainment is proud to introduce Induz, a new marketing partner and contributor toward buildiing awareness of music and dance arts activities around the globe.
Join Beyond Dreamz in Support of Global Arts Events:
Attend the KRIA World Fusion Music and Dance Benefit Concert
Join the journey to action and change while enjoying world music and fusion dance with honorary guest Hollywood celebrity Faran Tahir (Iron Man, LostStar Trek XI). Event will headline composers Abhishek Basu and Pandit Tarun Bhattacharya, accompanied by local jazz musicians, Jim Wendt and Erik Everett; with dance performances by Shivani Thakkar, Project Pulse, Kathy Barnhill, and Holly Shaw. A silent auction will also be held featuring art pieces from local Bay Area artists and proceeds will benefit Induz’s Tulika Project, a program that provides art centers to underprivileged children in rural areas.
For details and tickets, visit www.induz.org.
DATE & TIME Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 6:00PM
LOCATION Santa Clara Convention Center 5001 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95050
About Induz Induz is a non-profit organization driven by Silicon Valley professionals with a passion to promote art and culture across the globe.
Founded in 2004, Induz started off as a dedicated non-profit organization raising awareness and funds for charities. It has since its inception morphed into a much bigger initiative to raise money at hugely popular events in the bay area promoting art and culture, for its own artistic endeavors globally.
VOTE NOW!! NBC'S America's Got Talent
Support SF Bay Area Salsa Stars Junior & Emily Junior and Emily Get A Second Chance!! Please Support!!
Giju and the entire Beyond Dreamz Entertainment crew strongly support Junior and Emily in their endeavors, and congratulate them on their success with NBC's America's Got Talent. Emily & Junior are among the 8 lucky performers given a second chance at re-entering the America's Got Talent main competition. Please vote online! www.vote4juniorandemily.com
"We feel so blessed to have made it this far but we need your votes to stay in it. It's our hope that more exposure can push salsa mainstream, and more people can come to appreciate and love the dance and cultures that gave birth to it.
— Emily & Junior Alabi
Let's help Junior and Emily get to the next level, by VOTING today!!
Meet Junior and Emily: http://www.myspace.com/newgenerationent
India Salsa Congress
JOIN GIJU and KRISTEN IN INDIA: Featuring the Beyond Dreamz Dance Team!
ESPN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIERS August 15-18, 2008 Bangalore, India
Hosted by Lourd Vijay http://www.lvds.in/

7th Annual SF International Salsa Congress
BEYOND DREAMZ ENTERTAINMENT PROUDLY SUPPORTS: 7th Annual 2008 SF International Salsa Congress and First World Jack and Jill Competition
Join Giju, Kristen and the Beyond Dreamz Team Featuring Guest Artists!!
November 20-23, 2008 Oakland Marriott Convention Center Oakland, CA
Purchase Your Congress Pass by August 31th and SAVE!

Watch this space for more exciting details . . .
July |
Music Video Shoot (1)
August |
Indian International Salsa Congress
Giju & Kristen w/Dreamz Team in Bangalore
August |
Music Video Shoot (2)
DJ Spotlight
Feature Interview
DJ Super Chino: One-On-One Exclusive by Marie Gunter
"This is what makes me choose each song I play in a club: it's the soul of a dancer I have in me". - DJ Super Chino
** To take full advantage of the multi-media functions in Giju's Music News, upgrade to Flash Player 9. It's easy . . .and free! **
Kristen's Corner
Hip Movement for Salsa Basic Part One: Isolation Techniques
Core to the sensual presentation of Salsa is the hip movement and how this is expressed through isolation techniques.
Hips move in opposition of your steps during a salsa basic and throughout most footwork patterns in Salsa.
For example, when stepping on your right foot, hips should be moving to the left and slightly back. This happens in a figure 8 motion. You can practice a figure 8 motion by placing your hips in the middle in a neutral position, shifting to the front right corner, right side, right back corner, back through the middle, left front, left side, left back corner and back to the middle.
When working on your hip movement, try not to move any other body part so you may have a better understanding of how your hips moves and the extent it can move with control. This is called a body isolation.
Body isolations are motions which focus solely on one body part.
Here is a link of a YouTube video explaining weight shift and hip movement in the salsa basic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmXhHfgJWUU
Last, when you begin to incorporate the hip movement into your basic step, remember to shift your weight with control through your feet (toe, ball, heal). This will make your hip movement more natural and thorough, throughout your basic step.
Please refer to our previous newsletters for more of Kristen's Tips: June Newsletter for Part 1 - Spinning Techniques July Newsletter for Part 2 - Spinning Techniques
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Kristen Nolan is the co-director of the Beyond Dreamz dance production team with GIJU, founder of Beyond Dreamz Entertainment and Kristen's professional salsa dance partner. She performs and teaches around the globe with Giju, and with the SF Bay Area based Salsamania dance company. Kristen is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She assists dancers and the general public, providing personal training to individuals who seek a higher level of physical fitness, performance, or who would like to achieve specific health and wellness goals.
For information about Personal Training Sessions, contact:
Kristen Nolan 925-209-1482 krinolan@gmail.com
Changing Gears
Click on MONTAGE to check out Sneak Peak Pics!
Greetings from Kerala, my home state in India. Taking a short break between my music video productions to spend time with family, while also catching up with my work . . . my day job ;-).
The first music video shoot, for “Dil Ko Kiya”, went very well. Sandeep, my good old friend and the director for the video, has done a phenomenal job with the conceptualization, visualization and execution of the video. Kudos to him for that. This is one promising filmmaker and we can definitely expect some great work from him in the near future. Looking forward to more mutual endeavors.
It was a great experience working with a small crew of 25, on two houseboats in the beautiful backwaters of Kerala. Megha Chatterjee, an actress/model from Bombay plays the role of the female lead in this video. She is a very seasoned actress. Being the lovely person that she is, we hit it off right away. That helped to build our chemistry, which was pretty evident in the rushes that we saw later on. We had a very talented (DP) Director of Photography – Binendra – who handled the camera. He canned some breathtaking shots. The weather was fully on our side too! We needed rain and overcast for the whole shoot, and the weather responded favorably for us. The funny thing is that the rain stopped completely a day after the shoot. :-) Talk about timing!!
The video is in post production now and I’m very much looking forward to our work with the finishing touches during the edit process with Sandeep. Or course, I can’t wait to have it aired – this is going to be a video that’s very close to my heart; and I’m very confident that the emotions and passion portrayed in the video will connect well with viewers everywhere.
In another part of the country, Pradipto, the director of my second dance video (“Dhoondun Tujhe”), is working round the clock on coordinating production activities. I'm so fortunate to have such a gifted director at the helm of this video project. I’ll be meeting up with him next week in Bombay, along with the DP and art director. My good friend Shibani Kashyap, the accomplished singer/composer, is lending her support in full capacity to make this happen. My friends have been my strength all along and I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful beings.
Back in California, Kristen and the Dreamz Team dancers (Tatiana, Jon, Elena and our guest dancer Arieh) are preparing for to join me here in India next week. Rehearsals are in full swing, as well. I can’t believe that they will be here in a matter of days!! We’ll be performing and teaching at the India International Salsa Congress in Bangalore, and then we'll begin the training camp for video choreography to bring all of the Indian-based dancers on location up to speed.
I'll be back with more pictures and a shoot update next month.
Until then, adios ‘n peace
Share This Newsletter With a Friend
Help promote Giju around the globe . . .
We have wallpaper, flyers and posters of all sizes available for your use!
Email us today at gunter.marie@gmail.com with "GIJU World Tour Promo" in the subject heading to receive your promo items and to post in your favorite social networks, clubs, dance centers and Latin / Hindi music events. Beyond Dreamz has supporters in a growing number of social networks around the globe - but we need fans like you to help spread the love of salsa too! Share Giju's Music News and the Beyond Dreamz website with your favorite blogs or social network sites! http://www.beyonddreamz.com Share this Newsletter with a friend:
A Few of Our 2008 Sponsors & Supporters
Few of Our 2008 Sponsors & Supporters


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