Metro Park (2019) is a 9-episode series that follows the life of a simple immigrant Indian family making sense of their lives and aspirations in America. The show features Ranvir Shorey, Purbi Joshy, Pitobash Tripathy, Omi Vaidya and Vega Tamotia. Catch the adventures of Patel family as they lead an American life with a Gujju twist in Metro Park.
Written and Directed by Abi Varghese and Ajayan Venugopalan. Produced by Giju John.
SHREELANCER (2017) tells the story of Shree, a Bangalore based small time freelance copywriter who is in his mid-20s and his battle with nagging self-doubts about his artistic abilities.
Addicted to his cellphone and the social media, Shree’s worldview is shaped by what he reads online, not having traveled much in the “real” world. As fate would have it, Shree gets an invitation to attend an all-expenses paid trip to a College Friend’s wedding in the North of India, a part of this vast country where he has never been before. And what was supposed to be peaceful getaway trip from the South to the North soon turns into an quirky adventure full of danger, excitement and introspection.
Hola Venky! (2014) tells the stroy of a Techie’s journey from ‘his groin to his heart’, that takes him from Mumbai all the way to the City by the Bay
A comedic portrayal of a downhearted software techie from India who re-discovers his passion for life during his short stay in US. A romantic comedy with an Indian-Mexican flavor, filled with wild and quirky situations and lots of Mariachi music.
Set in Goa, Love Wrinkle-Free (2012) is a story about Savio, a 38 year old senior area sales manager who works in an innerwear company. Savio’s mundane life is thrown out of gear with the unplanned pregnancy of his 46 year old religious wife Annie. Complicating matters further is how their adopted teenage daughter Ruth (with Asian/North East Indian features), reacts to this pregnancy, an a chance meeting Savio has with a sensual traveling photographer, Natalie, who wants him to do something “unique” for her.
At its heart, “Love Wrinkle-Free” is an off-beat, light-hearted story about love going beyond cosmetic barriers – a universal theme that finds resonance across the world.