December 2008, #1208 |
Creative License
Giju's Latest News BD Sponsors SF Salsa Congress
Giju Brings a "Revolution"
With SF Salsa Congress barely a month behind us, the unique performance brought by the Beyond Dreamz team won't soon be forgotten. Kicked-off with a surprising presentation of Indian Salsa and Flamenco by none other than Giju with the "Dreamz Team", and internationally acclaimed Seattle-based band "Children of the Revolution" - headed up by Vassili.
"We play the music that we love, the music of our homelands. We play
with the hope that all revolutions could be musical ones." - Children of
the Revolution
Giju and Vassili had been in talks since the L.A. Salsa Congress, disucssing a potential collaborative performance to unveil in San Francisco - an event Giju has strongly supported, and platform for the debut of all his major music release work to date. With only a month to meet-up following Giju's return from India this Fall, a quick trip to Seattle found the two working effortlessly with Vassili's own talented group to combine two diverse sounds (Hindi Salsa with Spanish Flamenco). The music worked, the choreography worked and it all came together to create a single alchemical musical track. Despite the fact that the announcement and introduction of the group fell short in providing a proper context and esteem, they provided a highly entertaining performance that caused everyone to sit up in their seats and take notice. Giju, Vassili and their respective groups are highly accomplished - each in their own right - existing not only to deliver outstanding music and dance, but to galvanize a global community around the concepts of collaboration and unification.
Apart from producing innovative dance productions with the Dreamz Dance Team, Beyond Dreamz is focusesd on developing unique and entertaining performances that blend Indian/Latin music with other music styles and dance genres for local, national and international audiences.
Stay tuned for more interesting collaborations in 2009!!
Keeping The Peace
Taking Action Spread Peace and Prosperity
Global terrorism has taken on a new face, with the terrorist
attacks in Mumbai that took several innocent lives and injured many more. What happened
in the industrial capital of India
can happen in any major city in the world, east or west.
Governments and
leaders have become complacent, and "We the People",
have to speak up and take action to
ensure that liberty and peace thrive in this world; to insure that we
are not denied of our
fundamental rights to live. Whenever we hear about such terror attacks,
we can feel a wave of helplessness, wishing we could have done
something to
stop it. Let us all do whatever we can from every corner of the world, to not just address the symptoms, but to address the root causes of such atrocities.
In the aftermath of this horrible act, civilians in India and
around the globe have joined hands and started a movement. They are urging all of us to think
beyond religious and cultural differences and stay united, to send a strong
message to those in leadership positions to take proactive steps to prevent any such inhumane
acts - no matter what part of the world.
Shibani Kashyap, a leading music composer and Indian pop artist has composed a new track called
"ALVIDA", written by Virag Mishra, music produced by Saibal Basu.
"ALVIDA" Dedicated to the lives lost in the Mumbai terror attack. Please visit www.shibanikashyap.com to LISTEN.
To help you participate in
this movement:
> Petition to global leaders to end terrorism. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/EndGlobalTerrorism/
> Symbolic way to support fight against terrorism & promote unity. http://indianspeakup.blogspot.com/
> Petition for responsible media and code of conduct during terrorist
events. http://smallchange.in/
Live and let live. Spread peace and prosperity ~
Global Branding
Beyond Dreamz Logo Launch
Beyond Dreamz is excited to announce the launch of its new company logo!!
a painstaking process, we are excited to present to our readers, the
new face of Beyond Dreamz Entertainment. This logo will become the
gateway through which people around the globe will come to discover our
passion and commitment to excellence in artistic expression. We hope to
inspire everyone to pursue their dreamz -- no matter what the challenge.

was an important step toward securing a recognizable brand that people
can associate with Beyond Dreamz around the globe."
-- Giju
Season's Greetings!!
Giju and the Dreamz Team Wish You a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!!
8th Annual SF International Salsa Congress
November 19-22, 2009
Oakland Marriott City Center & Hotel
DJ Spotlight
Feature Interview
DJ Frank: One-On-One Exclusive by Marie Gunter
"I think that the DJs play a key role; they can make or break an event . . ." - DJ Frank
** To take full advantage of the multi-media functions in Giju's Music News, upgrade to Flash Player 9. It's easy . . .and free! **
Kristen's Corner
By Popular Demand More On The Core
Core Strength Dancing becomes easier when you stabilize yourself by engaging your body's core.
What is the Core? The core of the body consists of your stomach, back, hips and gluts.
The core of the body is where the body's center of gravity is located and where al movement begins. You can feel this by pulling your navel to your spine through engaging the stomach muscles or flexing your abdominal muscles.
"A strong core is vital to sustaining proper muscle balance throughout the body."
You can do exercises to increase core strength daily, however you should vary your routine so your body will not plateau and can constantly make gains.
Core Stabilization Exercises: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/core-strength/SM00047
You'll find that once you begin strengthening your core you will become stronger not only on the dance floor but in every day life as well. Having a strong core helps to take stress off of your lower back, enhances your posture and decreases the chance you will develop lower back pain or problems later in life.
Aim to complete 2-3 sets of 1-2 core exercises 5-6 days a week and modify your routine to keep your body challenged.
Got Questions? Please email me with any questions or topics you would like covered as it pertains to health, physical training or dancing! I will cover them in the new year.
Email Kristen at: krinolan@gmail.com.
Please refer to our previous newsletters for more of Kristen's Tips: June Newsletter for Part 1 - Spinning Techniques July Newsletter for Part 2 - Spinning Techniques August Newsletter for Isolation Techniques September Newsletter for Benefits of Cross-Training October Newsletter for Benefits of Good Posture November Newsletter for Resistance & Strength Training
* * *
Kristen Nolan is the co-director of the Beyond Dreamz dance production team with GIJU, founder of Beyond Dreamz Entertainment and his professional salsa dance partner. She performs and teaches around the globe with Giju, and with the SF Bay Area based Salsamania dance company. Kristen is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She assists dancers and the general public, providing personal training to individuals who seek a higher level of physical fitness, performance, or who would like to achieve specific health and wellness goals.
For information about Personal Training Sessions, contact:
Kristen Nolan 925-209-1482 krinolan@gmail.com
Giju's Blog
Can’t believe 2008 is over. It feels like the new year began only a couple of months ago!! No matter how cliché it may sound, the phrase ‘time just flies’ stands true. And what a year it was!!
We achieved some major milestones, suffered some personal loss; agonized and enraged over the loss of innocent lives in various acts of terror. Still keeping my heart filled with hope and continuing the pursuit of my dreamz, along with an optimistic outlook on global equanimity and peace (especially in India and the Middle East).
Professionally, this year ended on a very high note – signing with BIG Music and the collaboration of Beyond Dreamz and Children of the Revolution for the San Francisco Salsa Congress. About the latter, the production went extremely well and received a great deal of appreciation and praise by the audience. The seamless blending of Flamenco, Indian music, Salsa and Cha-Cha-Cha was a ‘unique’ and ‘refreshing’ experience, as quoted by many. I was extremely thrilled to have made it happen. Can’t thank the COTR band enough (Vassili, Eric and Encarna) and my Dreamz team for working so hard. The execution was sheer brilliance.
lot of people stopped by the Beyond Dreamz booth asking for “that
Flamenco – Indian” song that we performed live - so, we are planning to
record that song sometime next year. Honestly, when I was working on
that song with COTR, I didn’t expect it to be so well received. Aah,
creative satisfaction – such a great feeling!
About the SF Salsa Congress itself, another successful venture from PB&G Productions. Very well organized, and superb shows and bands. Kudos to the whole team. Beyond Dreamz was proud to be one of the sponsors of the event.
Well, since this is the last newsletter of the year, I want to take a quick glance at some of the key professional and personal achievements for 2008:
February > Professional Salsa tour covering 5 cities (Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Calcutta) for a month with Kristen, teaming up with Lourd Vijay and Kaytee, top salsa promoters in India.
April > Launch of the “Dreamz Dance Team”.
May > ESPN World Championships telecast feat. Beyond Dreamz > Beyond Dreamz Team officially debuts at LA Congress > My music mentor (Mr. M.J. Thomas) passed away. May he R.I.P
July > Bollywood Social Gala Event by Beyond Dreamz > San Jose Mercury News Full Feature Article: Giju and Beyond Dreamz.
August/September > Produced two new music videos in India, directed by Pradipto Nandi and Sandeep Mohan. Cast included BD dancers (Kristen,Tatiana, Elena, Jon), Arieh (Utah), LVDS dancers (Banglore), Kaytee’s dancers (Mumbai), Danz’Amor (Delhi).
> Beyond Dreamz performs at the International Salsa Festival in Banglore, organized by LVDS.
October > Performs the prestigious Harmony Awards, with Shibani Kashyap, and Jimmy Felix among others for an illustrious crowd representing the film and music community.
November > Launch of new Beyond Dreamz LOGO. > Signed with “BIG Music”. > Production with “COTR” for the SF Salsa Congress.
I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your continuous support of me and Beyond Dreamz.
I wish you all a joyful Christmas/Holiday Season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. May your "Dreamz" come true. Keep pursuing them, never give up. And let’s do whatever we all can, within our civic duties, to spread and practice unity, peace and love. The whole world needs it more than anything now. Economy and related financial crisis will follow the due course then.
From all of us, here at Beyond Dreamz, we wish you A VERY DELIGHTFUL NEW YEAR!!!
Until 2009 . . .adios y pais,
Thank You From Marie Gunter!
Dear Readers,
I would like to personally thank each and every one of our readers for staying with us. Your feedback and suggestions throughout have not only been helpful, but have inspired growth on a personal and professional level. Having started this outreach with limited knowledge of newsletter writing, html, mp3's, technical mumbo - jumbo, or the numbered and various interpretations of the term "deadline" . . . your encouragement has been much appreciated. :-)
The number of subscribers who actively read and seek out information based on our content is impressive. The news you enjoy on these pages could not exist, however, were it not for the support of the local community and the Salsa dance and music community that share in Giju's vision!!
A Very Special Thank You To the individuals, dance teams, DJs, promoters, partners and sponsors who have participated in ALL of Giju's activities - THANK YOU - for helping to elevate and proliferate the Beyond Dreamz mission which we all ultimately share. Getting to know each of you has deeply enriched my life.
Giju's Music News 2009 I have asked Giju to take "Giju's Music News" forward in 2009. This will enable me to focus my attention on my primary skills in business consulting and marketing development, while continuing to support Beyond Dreamz in well planned initiatives.
Marie's Milestones 2007 > Business Advisor & Co-Producer: "Rang Rangeeli" Music Video.
2008 > Business Advisor: Music Video Debut at SF Salsa Congress & World Salsa Championships; Formation of "Dreamz Dance Team".
2008 > Business & Marketing Development: Editor, Giju's Music News and launch of (DJ Interviews and "Kristin's Tips"); Development of non-profit support, community, sponsor and event partners; Beyond Dreamz Social Gala and SF Salsa Congress.
Happy Holidays!! See you in 2009 . . .
Marie Gunter 650-305-9254 gunter.marie@gmail.com
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A Few of Our 2008 Sponsors & Supporters
Few of Our 2008 Sponsors & Supporters


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